During the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on March 12, planetary scientist William Bottke proposed that Titan’s expansive dune fields could have originated from a surplus of cometary material bombarding the moon. According to computer simulations, these mysterious dunes might have formed from debris originating in the primordial Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune where comets are believed to originate. Bottke, from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., suggested that this scenario could also elucidate the presence of similar material observed on other celestial bodies.
The composition of Titan’s sand has long intrigued researchers. Beneath the moon’s hazy, orange-hued skies lie approximately 15 million square kilometers of dusky dunes. Planetary geologist Jani Radebaugh of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, likens these sand waves to the massive dunes found in the United Arab Emirates, which notably served as a backdrop for the recent Dune films.
The prevailing hypothesis proposes that Titan’s undulating sands consist of organic particles generated through solar irradiation of its atmospheric haze. After settling on the surface, these micron-sized particles allegedly aggregate into sand-sized grains capable of forming dunes. However, the mechanism driving this growth remains unclear, and laboratory experiments suggest that the organic particles may be too fragile to withstand the forces required to form dunes.
Bottke and his colleagues propose an alternate scenario, dating back approximately 4 billion years to the early stages of the solar system’s history. During this tumultuous period, it is theorized that the giant planets migrated from their original positions, potentially leading to the bombardment of Titan and other moons by comets passing through the Kuiper Belt. Many of these comets would have collided, pulverizing them into minute particles.
The team’s computer simulations revealed that both the comet dust and larger impactors could have delivered sufficient material to account for Titan’s dunes. Furthermore, the simulations indicated that similar material would have also impacted Jupiter’s moons Callisto and Ganymede, as well as Saturn’s moon Iapetus, all of which exhibit large patches of dark material.
Although the origins of Iapetus’s dark material are believed to be extraneous, Radebaugh suggests that Titan’s sands could similarly have otherworldly roots. However, the fate of this material upon reaching Titan’s surface remains uncertain. The moon may host ice volcanoes that could bury the fallen debris over time, potentially obscuring any evidence of its extraterrestrial origin.
NASA’s upcoming Dragonfly mission to Titan, scheduled for launch in 2028, presents an opportunity to resolve this mystery. Melissa Trainer, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, notes that instruments aboard the rotorcraft will be capable of analyzing the compositions of the dune particles, offering insights into their origins.
Thus, perhaps one day, a flying apparatus will confirm the presence of shattered comet remnants adorning a distant moon’s surface.