What Are Microsoft Outlook Pii Error? and How to Fix it?

What is Exactly PII?

Microsoft Pii means Personally Identifiable Information. It is data that is used to identify one individual Person.

For Example, Phone Number, Email Addresses, Pin Codes, Social Security Numbers, IP Adress.

But with increasing technology in this digital era, personally identifiable information is growing rapidly. Now, biometric, digital images, IP addresses, login IDs, and behavioral data are also considered personally identifiable information.

What Are Microsoft Outlook Pii Errors?

When you are using Microsoft Outlook to send and receive e-mails, you are sometimes constantly alerted to some PII errors.

For example: [PIi_Email 37f47c404649338129d6].

PII errors occur due to incorrect parameters, including port number, authentication, and insecure connection.

There are 4 main reasons why Microsoft Outlook PII errors occur.

How to Fix Pii Error in Microsoft Outlook?

There are several ways to fix pie errors in perspective. Below, I listed the 5 best Tricks to fix Microsoft Outlook PII errors.

Trick #1: Clear Cache And Cookies in your Browser

Once you start using Outlook, a lot of information is collected in the database. This may include broken or useless data packages. Clears cache and cookie errors [pii_email_632dbc9f9aa7f38a8125], removes all junk packages from the database.

Trick #2: Reinstall Microsoft Outlook Programme

In this case, you need to uninstall the running program where you read this error [pii_email_632dbc9f9aa7f38a8155].

After uninstalling, re-install your application from scratch. To do this, carefully follow the guidelines below that will make your job easier and less stressful.

Trick #3: Use Auto Repair Tool on your PC

One of the best solutions is to fix this error by using Auto Repair Tool.

Until the end, first, open your esteemed program to check the stability when you repair and restart the PC.

Trick #4: Change the Port number of the server

If the above methods do not work and the settings are correct.

Don’t worry, try to fix the error by changing the port number now.

The port number is an important component of the proper functioning of the software.
You can check the port number and replace the port number for the satisfactory operation of the programs.

To perform this task, you need to carefully follow the steps below to resolve the error.

We have listed some Microsoft Outlook Pii Error codes. By clicking one of the Error Codes, you will get the exact solution to this Error.

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